In Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, the pastoral plan for adult faith formation, the United States bishops made it clear that “adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be the central task in [this] catechetical enterprise, becoming the axis around which revolves the catechesis of childhood and adolescence as well as that of old age." This can be done specifically through developing in adults a better understanding of and participation in the full sacramental life of the Church.
To make this vision a reality, Saint Paul Cathedral Parish is making a commitment to adult faith formation, positioning it at the heart of our catechetical vision and practice. We pledge to support adult faith formation without weakening our commitment to our other essential educational ministries.
Young adults are aged 21 through 35/40. Please reach out and spread the word about about the Young Adult Ministry and what we are doing. For more information on our events and activities be sure to follow the Young Adult Ministry on Facebook, check the weekly bulletin or contact the parish office at 412-621-4951 or [email protected].
Father Stubna hosts series in the Spring and Fall. These series consist of programs that include a presentation and discusion about different aspects of our Catholic faith. Gennerally, these presentations are in person but some can be accessed live through the Cathedral Facebook page, the Christian Associates TV website, and the Christian Associates TV channel (Comcast channel 95 in the City of Pittsburgh). Check the weekly bulletin or contact the parish office at 412-621-4951 or [email protected] for additional information. Please consider joining us for these gatherings that help all of us to learn more about our Catholic beliefs and how we can live it out with fidelity and courage.